Creating a Google review is easy and goes a long way to helping small businesses get noticed and gain more customers. Your support is always appreciated!
To help us out, please go to and sign in if you already have an account. If you don’t have an account, you can add one later.
Do a search for “heavenly landscaping hanover, PA” and you should see the business listing on the right in the search results:
Click the “Write a Review” button:
If you aren’t signed in or need to create an account, click the “Sign In” button:
If you have a Google account, go ahead and enter your login information. If you don’t have a Google account, click the “Create account” link and go through the process to create an account and sign-in:
*Please note that when you create a new account, you might have to do another search for “heavenly landscaping hanover, PA” to return to the business listing.
After you have created an account and are signed in to Google, click the number of stars you feel the service deserves (trust us, it will be a 5!). Then please write a brief description of what was done for you and why it was so wonderful. Add a photo, if you like, to share the evidence of a job well done! Then click the “Post” button to publish the review.
Now kick back and enjoy the feeling of doing something nice to help a small local business!
For all of your York and Adams County landscaping needs, please visit to learn how George and his crew make your property a little piece of Heaven.